can provide advice on pursuing claims against potential infringers through ITC
section 337. The International Trade Commission is a government agency which
investigates imports which infringe intellectual property rights. The ITC
issues injunctions that prevent international companies from importing
infringing goods into the U.S.
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) is a powerful tool to enforce
your intellectual property rights against international companies without
resorting to litigation in the Federal Courts. Successful parties can win an
injunction against the continued import of the device by the infringing company
or even a full prohibition against imports by any international company
regardless of whether they were a party to the original ITC case.
Discovery in ITC investigations typically concludes less than six months after
the complaint is filed and the case is typically at trial in less than 10
months, which is faster than almost any other forum in the world. Our team is
familiar with the unique challenges faced by parties at the ITC and are
prepared to assist.